
Blog 2

Blog 2

First things first, find out what you like. What makes you, you? More often than not we find that people have been stuck in places where others have called the shots, you didn’t own the apartment/condo/house or your kids really dictated what you did and didn’t furnish your home with... cough, white couch, cough. Now it’s your time to shine. Take a walk, find out what colors speak to you. Pick up a few magazines and see if you really identify with a particular style. Head over to Pinterest and create a board filled with things you’d want in your new space.

If you’re the kind of person who needs to see it all in person then head over to your closest Mor Furniture for Less and check out the way we lay out rooms. We strategically put together rooms for you with full sets of furniture. This way you don’t have to imagine what a finished room will look like.